Set in a post-solar world, humanity turns to fire as its only source of warmth in the now frozen earth. As the key to man's survival, fire now becomes the subject of worship. A religion dedicated to the element now reigns supreme as one of its high priestesses prepares to bring back the sun.
Fire & ice join forces on "The Priestess of Ember," the debut demo from death metal outfit Hex Tripper. Hailing from Madison, Wisconsin & representing Midwest Death to the fullest, Hex Tripper seamlessly weaves through many elements of death metal & hardcore -- even ambient witch house atmospherics -- across 7 full-length tracks (22 minutes), making this a truly unique & fully-formed first offering.
Originally pressed as a limited edition cassette release from Basement Cult, this is the first official tape press courtesy of Frozen Screams Imprint.
Hex Tripper - The Priestess of Ember CS
Frozen Screams Imprint
Death Metal